What TELCO, Gigs and acquisition have in common? Nothing apart of being hidden ways of making money with mobile market in a unusual way.
When it comes to mobile market we know this is related to iPhone and Android devices.
Following this thinking comes two major stores, which are Apple Store and Google Play. Next, to monetize your app, the first thing that comes to mind is integrate with IAP where finally you can sell itens or subscriptions.
Then, we still think in most cases that our app can rely on ads so we can make some money.
This is partially true, cause there are a few ways to make money from app development hide under the surface. Here are 3 ways of making money from mobile apps that is hard to find out by ourselves.
1 – Telco
If you ever heard about this subject before maybe you can think telco market means the old times of Symbian and its siblings.
But it’s not anymore.
Often it means alternative stores outside of Google/Apple path, that can distribute your mobile app to its highly niche customers. Also means they are targeted to unbanked people, just like old days.
Some examples are:
They’re all Android stores. Sorry iOS users, unless your phone is jailbroken you can’t have this.
2 – Gigs
Another way of make some money as Mobile developer is applying to some gigs, a quick job made on your leisure time. Picking up some gig jobs is not unusual as you may argument, but picking gigs on a regular schedule is.
To solve this problem, there are a few places you can go to build a client base and get work on a regular basis.
The first great place to work is upwork.com where you can create templates for your projects and sell for your customers.
Another place is fiver.com, a great place to find some side gigs.
3 – Buy/sell apps
And here are a special guest. Probably the most unknown way of making money as mobile developer. And if you are arguing like: “hey, I sell my apps…on the stores”, sorry to say I’m not meaning that. For selling apps I mean the entire app.
I know it may seem like a strange idea, but know that there is a market behind it.
I’ve acquired an app few years ago and still today keep it on my Play Store account. At the time I’ve acquired there’s no such thing like acquire.com, where you can sell and buy all sorts of software.
Yet, other places you can go to buy/sell some cool software stuff are: http://bitsfordigits.com and http://microns.io/
That’s it for today. Best of luck.
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